Designing Your Offer: 3 Elements To An Irresistible Lead Magnet (VIDEO)

Offering a freebie accomplishes two goals -- It grows your email list, and it demonstrates your expertise. Plus, it’s a great stepping stone to offers they will actually purchase in the future. Coming up with a free offer is quick and simple if you follow these three rules:

#1. It helps them solve a SPECIFIC problem. 

Don't try and tackle the entire topic, just slice a little off that topic for easy consumption. For example, you don't need to give them your entire weight loss formula, but solve a problem within that area. For example, a list of replacement foods. Replacing the bad with the good! Give them a downloadable sheet of replacement foods -- instead of butter, use this...or instead of sugar, use this... Get it? 

Or, maybe offer 3 of your most popular recipes. Recipes they could cook tonight!

Maybe you’re a chiropractor. Can you can publish a guide describing 3 exercises that will relieve lower back pain? 

If you own a running store, put together a simple training plan for people that have never run a 5K. A couch-to-5k in 8 weeks training plan! 

If you own a pet store, how about 7 things you should never do when training your puppy

If you own a lawn care service, how about a downloadable chart that shows you the best times of day to water your lawn, and for how long. Simple watering techniques that will make your lawn stand out in the neighborhood. 

#2. Make It Valuable

Make it valuable to the point they feel guilty that they didn't pay for it! Why? Because if you're giving that amazing training program away, they will be more willing to actually pay for your next offer. 

#3. Make It Instantly Usable

Meaning, once they download it, it should start solving their problem within the next 15 minutes! You want them to become engaged with your solutions right away. If it looks like it may take a while to implement, they will lose interest.

Examples of downloads that can be instantly used:

Schedules: How to plan out your perfect week, for example

Swipe Files: 50 Great Headlines You Can Steal!

Scripts: Sales scripts that will increase your conversion rate


  • Anything too long, like an ebook.

  • Anything that doesn’t make your customer feel like they haven’t solved that specific problem -- this is where you need to stop selling and start solving! Everything you’ve produced in your content has mostly been about the what and why --- this download is all about the HOW. 

  • Anything that doesn’t specifically target your customer’s demographic.

There it is! Lead Magnets are so easy to produce, and when done right, can create long relationships.

How can we help you get your offer together? If you’re starting to take your digital content (videos and podcasts) seriously, then it’s time we team up. Leave your information below and someone will reach out with all of the no-pressure details.


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