What My GPS Traffic App Taught Me About Creating Content

We took a quick trip to the cabin this weekend and I know how to get there, it's a trip I've made many times. But I still fire up Waze, my GPS traffic app of choice to assist me along the way.

If you're not familiar with Waze, it's like any other traffic map with the exception of social input.

I receive warnings posted by other users as to what may slow me down. 

Stalled vehicles, objects in the road, police hiding, construction, and accidents. 

I can even post something that others haven't seen.

If I pass a police speed trap, I'll click a button and warn those behind me. 

And, according to this report sent to me from Waze, I helped 161 fellow commuters with 10 reports. 48 even said thanks!

I don't know why that feels so good, but it does. 

I started connecting this report to the content we are all trying to create on a daily basis, and it occurred to me that it boils down to two major elements:

  1. Time

  2. Money

Waze users (or Wazers) are leaning on each other to save time and money.

When I receive a warning of an accident or construction ahead, I'm thinking of how to avoid that delay. Waze will actually calculate it for me and take me around the hindrance if possible. That's helping to save me TIME.

When I warn others of hiding police, they know to check their speed and slow down. Why? That saves them MONEY!

Creating content doesn't get more basic than that. 

How are you helping your clients, customers, or community save time today? 

If you own a running store, can you send your community a new 5K route to try every week? That would save them time by not having to map out a run because you have already done it for them!

If you're a real estate agent, can you do a virtual walk-through of one of your listings and send it to customers who may be a good fit? That's a huge time-saver. 

How are you helping them save money?

If you own a coffee shop, can you give your morning customers a coupon for a free cup of Joe between 2 and 4 in the afternoon?

Time and money.

Saving both means a smooth trip to the cabin, and great content, too. 

How are you saving your people time and money today?


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