How Do I Start a Podcast?

It really started around 2015–2016. Friends would casually ask about how they could start a podcast.

Back then I was still working as a full-time radio personality and so I get why I was the guy they thought could provide some answers.

Fast-forward to 2020, and now I co-own a company that produces digital media, including podcasts.

So I hear the question even more now, which is awesome. I love helping people kick off their dream of creating a content platform because it is so important to have control of your OWN message.

I happily help anyone that asks.

I got the question again over the weekend:

Hey Dave,

I’m thinking of starting a podcast. I’m a complete newb, though. I know nothing about microphones, editing, or whatever else goes into a podcast. Any advice?

I could make a list that’s a mile long, but for people that are in the “thinking about it,” or maybe “more than thinking about it” stage, I offer up this advice first:

#1 Before you do anything. Before you buy a mic. Before you download editing software. Establish the goal of the podcast. Make it clear and singular focused. It’s not about RC planes and cooking, it’s about one or the other. Stick to that goal and your audience will find you and stay loyal.

#2 Because there will always be somebody listening for the first time, make the mission of your podcast clear at the top of every episode…even episode 1,000.

#3 Make the podcast only about your listener and how THEY will benefit from each and every episode.

#4 Tech: Please do NOT use your computer’s built-in microphone as your primary. On the other hand, DO NOT STRESS ABOUT EQUIPMENT. Get the best mic you can buy. I have found some great options for less than $100. Upgrade as you go.

#5 Have an origin episode. This should be Episode #1. This explains who YOU are, and WHY you’re doing this podcast. If they like episode #25, they’ll start diving into prior episodes… and most likely want to hear how all of this magic started.

#6 There are a lot of companies you can hire to edit and distribute podcasts (including mine) but my advice (if you have time) is to learn how to do it yourself. Become familiar with the process. Later, when you start running out of time, find the right people to relieve some of the heavy lifting.

Most important — go for it! Podcasting is a blast.

There it is…my first thoughts if you’re dabbling with the idea of starting a podcast. I can go much deeper, and if you have a question, but knowing your goal, and programming a podcast around your listener’s needs is enough to get you started.

Again, if you’re a business and you would like to bypass a lot of the tech and planning that goes into a podcast, then hit us up and look into our PodcastLegend System. I think you’ll like it.


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