3 Elements That Must Be In Every Video You Record

The Good: You're recording video updates for your community on Facebook and Instagram.

The Bad: Nobody's watching.


It's not your outfit. It's not your hair (or lack of in my case).

Most likely you're not taking 30 seconds before hitting the record button to consider the three "p's."

I talk about the three "p's" early in the VideoLegend 30-Day Challenge, and it's a simple way to focus and structure your videos to get people's attention -- and keep it. 

Include the three "p's" in every video and watch your community grow. 

What are the three "p's"?

The first is Purpose. 


Before you pick up your phone and give your community an update, ask yourself "why" you're recording this video and "what" it is you hope the viewer gets out of it. 

Do you want them to learn something (reinforcing that you are an authority in your niche)? Do you want them to spring into action (click a link to more content)? Do you want them to buy something?

Why are you recording this video? What's the purpose?

The second is Pull.


We have the attention of a goldfish. Studies say viewers who watch the first three seconds of a video are more likely to watch all the way through. 

Three seconds.

That's how long you have to "pull" them into your world. 

Make sure the first thing you say is so enticing they will feel absolutely obligated to keep watching. 

The third is Personalize. 

No matter what you're talking about, make sure you always incorporate yourself into the topic. 

For example, if you're talking about something in the news, make sure to inject your expertise into the conversation. 

That's an overview I hope helps as you record regular updates for your community, and I go into more detail in the 30-Day Challenge. 

Speaking of, if you feel your video skills could use some polishing, or you are completely avoiding recording personal videos because you don't know what to say, then our next VideoLegend 30-Day Challenge is perfect for you!

We have limited space, and you can sign up now!


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Take Off the Mask and Let Them See Your Smile