What Do You Want Your Self Image To Be?


“What” do I want my "Self-Image" to be?

Day in and day out we all struggle with adversity. We struggle trying to find purpose in our life which gives us a true sense of fulfillment. Because without fulfillment we feel empty.

Like a caterpillar on his quest to become a butterfly, we are on that same quest to become fulfilled. We are born to a world we don’t know. Along our journey, we seek purpose. Some find it and some don’t. The real question is why? 

The answer can be found deep inside our minds. In a place where you paint your “Self-Image.”

Like a mirror, your “Self-Image” looks back at you… What it sees is up to you. The next question is HOW do you make it see what you want. 

This is a question some will seek their entire life and never find. Never turn into a beautiful butterfly. 

While others will find it early in their lives. Mark Zuckerberg at a very young age became a butterfly by connecting the world. Today he is changing it.

The Chinese believe there are three mirrors which form a person's reflection: 

1 > The first mirror is how you see yourself. 
2 > The second mirror is how others see you. 
3 > The third mirror is how you really are. 

Your "Self-image" is about how you see yourself.

So you see, the question you must ask....

How do I change my “Self-Image” and “What” do I want my "Self-Image" to be?

Because the answer to these questions will truly change your life. 


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